Over time any checklist gets out of sync. New birds may be observed in a region (the ABA checklist of North American birds just added Black-backed Oriole for example) . Species may be split or lumped (White-collared Seedeater just got split into Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater and Morelet’s Seedeater). Names may change (Gray Jay is now Canada Jay). We try hard to keep up to date with the built-in checklists in Birdathon, but what about lists you've already created based on the older information? When you create a checklist in Birdathon, it contains the common names from the template with which you started. If those names later change, Birdathon does not automatically update existing checklists. If you would like to update your checklists, you have several options:

  • Use the "+" menu to "Add a Bird" to your checklist
    • When you add a bird, Birdathon marks it as seen, but if you just want that species on your list you can clear the observations by swiping left on the bird name and tapping "Clear"
  • Swipe left to remove a bird from your checklist
    • When you swipe left on a bird name, you'll see a "Delete" button that you can use to remove a bird from your checklist. If you change your mind, you can use the "+" menu to add it back, as described above
  • Manually change a Common Name to the new name
    • If you change the Common Name, Birdathon will insert the Scientific Name and Family Name associated with that Common Name. Your notes and observations will be preserved, but will now be connected to the new Common Name. So for example, in an old list you could change "Gray Jay" to "Canada Jay" and everything except the name of the bird will be preserved
  • Create your own Checklist Templates
    • You can make a new checklist template from any of your checklists. That new template can contain  the birds you've checked off, or all the birds on the list. So, you can edit a list, removing birds and adding birds, and then create a new checklist template.
    • You can also easily import checklist templates from text files